Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins In my last two blogs, ' The Origin of Lucifer ' and ' 8 Kings of HELL ', I mentioned the phrase, ' Seven Deadly Sins ' several times. So, today I'm going to write about this topic so that you can also understand these things. So, Seven Deadly Sins which we also know as Cardinal Sins are those seven habits we humans possessed, due to which our attainment of Hell increases. These teachings are mostly given in Christianity, where we are told how we can be saved from these deadly sins? Catholic church trying to get us on the right track with the help of the Deadly Sin concept so that we don't end up in Hell in our afterlife by committing one of these sins. So now I will tell you about these seven sins shortly and also the associated demon for specific sins and the punishment for each of the sins. So, at First, we have PRIDE When a person prides himself on his ability or in any way always boosts himself, he is ...