Seven Deadly Sins
Seven Deadly Sins
In my last two blogs, 'The Origin of Lucifer' and '8 Kings of HELL', I mentioned the phrase, 'Seven Deadly Sins' several times. So, today I'm going to write about this topic so that you can also understand these things.
So, Seven Deadly Sins which we also know as Cardinal Sins are those seven habits we humans possessed, due to which our attainment of Hell increases. These teachings are mostly given in Christianity, where we are told how we can be saved from these deadly sins? Catholic church trying to get us on the right track with the help of the Deadly Sin concept so that we don't end up in Hell in our afterlife by committing one of these sins. So now I will tell you about these seven sins shortly and also the associated demon for specific sins and the punishment for each of the sins.
So, at First, we have
When a person prides himself on his ability or in any way always boosts himself, he is committing this sin.
The associated demon with Pride is none other than Lucifer himself. Now if you read my blog about Lucifer, you already know that there was too much pride in him and because of that he was cast out from Heaven. It's been told that pride is the most deadly of the seven deadly sins because other sins get originate because of it.
Now the decided punishment for committing this sin is called 'Broken on the Whell'.
In this punishment, an arrogant is tied to a wheel, and all the people coming there laugh after seeing that proud person in such a condition.
Now I know it's not considered a deadly punishment but in Medieval times, to go in such a condition was a very big punishment for an arrogant person.
To prevent this sin, people have to be humble without having pride in their ability, they have to remember that they achieved success because the people of the world raised them up, which can bring them down at any time.
At Second, we have -
It's called jealousy. Envy is such an emotion because of which we get jealous of others and we only want what others have. In many cases, we stayed unhappy by comparing ourselves with others, and sometimes we took the wrong step because of Envy like - harming others, attacking others e.t.c.
The associated demon with Envy is Beelzebub. Beelzebub is the prince of demons and it's been written in 'The Lesser Key of Solomon' that he was an angel before in Heaven, where he got fights done between other angels by increasing the spirit of jealousy, and then he was thrown out of Heaven.
Now decided punishment for Envy sin is 'Immersed in Freezing Water Forever'. Its believed that after suffering in the frozen water, people realized that they should not be jealous of others.
Thirdly, we have -
The direct meaning of Gluttony is eating too much but it's used metaphorically, so, if we look into its broader meaning then we will understand that Using or Consumption anything in excess of the limit is a sin whether it is wealth, resource, or anything else.
So, to prevent this sin, we have to use everything within a limit.
The associated demon with gluttony is Belphegor. He is among the seven princes of Hell. it's been believed that Belfagor makes people invent with the help of which they become rich but those inventions are not always in the interest of humanity.
The decided punishment is to 'wallow in disgusting mire created by eternally falling rain, hail, sleet, and snow' for those who commit gluttony when they are alive.
At Fourth, we have -
The desire for physical pleasure is also considered a sin because of this people pay less attention to their other important work. Its believed that people who visit different places just to get physical pleasure, also commit this sin.
At Fifth, we have -
Its direct meaning is Anger. Every person who is excessively angry is committing this sin. In 'Lesser Key of Solomon', wrath is said to be the greatest enemy of humans. Because an angry man always took the wrong decision and for those decisions, their friends and family can abandon them. A person who is always angry can also be violent and this quality is considered to be the property of demons not of humans.
The related demon with wrath is Satan whom we also known as Lucifer.
Coming to the punishment, decided for people committing wrath is 'Dismembered Alive'. Meaning their body cut into small pieces.
At Sixth, we have -
Its believed that if someone possesses Envy and Gluttony then he also possesses Greed. A greedy person always presses another to fulfill his desire. So, it's considered a sin.
And at last, we have -
Sloth means Laziness. This sin is considered the worst among the seven deadly sins. Because a lazy person never achieves anything in life and blames others for their failure. Sometimes they think whatever bad happens in their life is because of God.
The associated demon with the sloth is Abaddon. Abbadon depicts as a place of Destruction and as an angel of the Abyss in the Bible.
Now the decided punishment for sloth is 'Thrown into a Snake Pit'. A lazy person is thrown into a pit full of snakes and whatever happens, he is not brought up. He has to be there for eternity.
Now the decided punishment for sloth is 'Thrown into a Snake Pit'. A lazy person is thrown into a pit full of snakes and whatever happens, he is not brought up. He has to be there for eternity.
So, this is The Seven Deadly Sins I mention in blogs previously. If we see nowadays all of us possess at least one of them. Now there are also other sins apart from these seven. But it is believed other sins originated because of these sins. That means these are the parents of other sins. Now all these Sins-Punishment things are true or not I don't know about that. But the motive behind this is to instill fear in people's minds so that they do not do wrong things. There's a film named SEVEN released in 1995. You can watch that because in based on the seven deadly sins and trust me, it's one of the best movies ever made. Hope everyone like today's topic. So, that's it for now. Bye.
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