Project MK Ultra

Project MK Ultra


If I ask you what is the job of the government of a country? Then someone will say the jobs of the government of a country are to take the country forward, leads the country towards progress, maintain law and order, or in short, run the country. Right! But at this point what if I tell you that there were such governments, who experiment on their own people, and not some ordinary experiment, some experiment by which people's minds can be controlled. I'm talking about the US government, which worked on project MK Ultra in 1950, in which they used their people for experiments. And in today's blog, we know why It's called Worst Human Experiment Ever.

Operation Paperclip

On 2nd September 1945, World War 2 was finally over. And the first thing that comes into our mind is that everything became fine after the war. But let met me tell you that after the war allies(US & UK specifically), went to Germany for interrogation, especially for scientists. 

So, they interrogated many scientists and seized many War related documents, which contained much important information. During this process, they found a list in the toilet of Bourne University. This was a list that contained the names of all the scientists and engineers, who worked for Germany. In such a situation, America carried out Operation Overcast, for which they brought every scientist to America. So that, they can work on War weapons and Biological Weapons for America. Later this operation was known as Operation Paperclip. The President of America, Harry Truman at that time clearly ordered not to bring any scientist, who worked for Nazis or who was any kind of War-criminal.

 But the organization that ran this operation JIOA dismissed this direct order and brought every scientist. So, they can work on Biological Weapons with them. There were such scientists who worked on Mind Control. As soon as the US knew this, they also planned to work on this subject. And Project MK Ultra starts from this point. Where, German scientists started working on human mind capture, control, and manipulation.

Project MK Ultra

So, what was Project MK Ultra? From 1953 to 1973 US government experiments on Human subjects. So that, they can control or manipulate the human mind. Now I know it sounds strange but believes it, they actually progress in this process. To achieve this they inject chemicals into the victim's body, and sometimes the victim also didn't realize that he was used as a test subject. In most cases, the subject was Sex-worker, Prisoner, or someone who had a terminal illness.

Dr.Sidney Gottlieb was the head of this experiment. He believed that there are two steps to controlling a human mind. At first, removing everything that is already in the mind, and secondly, Inducing a new one. So, for the first step or erasing everything they used drugs. Because it is possible by using drugs(mainly LSD), so Dr.Gottlied did the same. In fact, the CIA let them use all kinds of illegal drugs on victims. It is believed that the CIA was also quite successful in inventing Truth Serum at that time. There are also 160 small experiments running under this project. Because this project runs on a big scale and more than 100 institutions were involved in this, like- Universities, Hospitals, Nursing-Homes e.t.c. Where people can't even imagine that they can also be used as a test subject. In those 160 small experiments, they try different ways to control the human mind. In these experiments, they first drugged the victim and then notice their behavior, and can their behavior be manipulated in a particular way by using drugs with the required amount. Basically, the main motive was to control the mind by any means necessary.

Midnight Climax

LSD stands for Lysergic Acid Diethylamide. This drug was first developed in 1938, and in 1943 it was fully complete. This drug was mostly used by the CIA on their subjects for experiments. LSD was used so much that Dr.Gottlieb bought the whole stock of LSD in the world and brought it to America to distribute among the institutions in 1950. Then the institutions inject the drug into the victim's body and notice their behavior. 

Among the 160 Sub-projects, there was one experiment named Midnight Climax. So, in this project, the CIA built their warehouse, there they hired prostitutes, and pay them to bring subjects for the CIA. The warehouse is decorated with disturbing images and lights. When any prostitute brought anyone with her they drugged him immediately and notice his behavior from a one-way mirror room. Due to this experiment, they provoke the victim, ask for their dark secret, and finally try to control their mind and which was totally illegal. As soon as they succeed in the first few cases they increase the ratio. At first, they experiment on victims at the warehouse but now they did that even in Cafe, Parks e.t.c to notice their behavior in public. Now all these experiments ran for 10 years. In which the CIA's success rate was very low. That's why they stopped it slowly over time and in 1963 police and media were starting to doubt their activities. In 1965 operation midnight climax was finally closed. Now that's only one sub-project, there are 159 others. And the CIA can do anything to run it and hide it from the public eye. Something similar happened to Frank Olson.

Death of Frank Olson

Frank Olson was a scientist who worked for the CIA. In 1953, someone mixed LSD on his drink during a party. On 28th November of the same year, he jumped from his hotel room and died. During the autopsy, they confirmed he suicide because of work pressure. And Frank's family agreed on that too. But there's a dark secret behind it which came out in the next few years. Frank was an expert in aerosol weapons. People believed that when Frank realized how the CIA misused his weapons and he stands against it. Frank wanted to bring this news to the public. So, everyone knows what is going on in the CIA. Four days before his death he resigned from his job. The CIA advised him to go to New York for his psychological treatment and then what happen, we all know that. People believed its a murder because in 1975 all the documents related to MK-Ultra become public. After reading the documents, Frank's family started to believe that, Frank didn't commit suicide perhaps someone murdered him in a planned way. So, they filed a lawsuit. The president of that time, The Director of the CIA begged pardon from Frank's family. The CIA even agreed that they drugged him with LSD but didn't agree on the murder part. Then the case ran for many years. Then again in 1994, there was a second autopsy on Frank's body and they found out that Frank got injured even before jumping from his hotel room i.e. someone hit Frank and then pushed him out of the window. Then the US government pay $750,000 to Frank's family as a penalty.


In the end, what was supposed to happen, happened. It came before the public eye. So, the government scaled it down, and in 1973 project MK Ultra finally closed. At that time many newspapers published some documents related to MK Ultra. So, the public demanded justice and investigation, and at that time the director of the CIA took a tough decision, he burned all the documents related to MK-Ultra. Even then Proceedings and legal battles happened and recovered few documents. On the basis of that, all the information we have today regarding MK-Ultra. The CIA claimed that only frank died due to this experiment but no one would believe that. When things come to payback, the CIA only pay 14 families claiming that they only experimented on 14 people. But in reality, they experimented with over 1000 people.  Because of 160 sub-experiments, 1000 scientists, and so many institutions' involvement, I think anyone can do the math.


Now I know today's blog is completely different from my other blogs and today's topic is very controversial. So, please add your thoughts about today's blog. So, that's it for now. If you haven't read my other blogs yet then check them out by clicking here. If you have any other interesting topic and want me to cover, then please mention it in the comment section. See you soon with a new blog till then bye.


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