The Pennywise Clown

The Pennywise Clown


Before starting today's blog I humbly request to watch the IT and IT Chapter 2 movie because most of the references in this blog have linked to those two movies. So, if you haven't seen that movie yet, please watch it. So, without wasting any unnecessary words let's hop into today's topic.

The first time we saw Pennywise the clown in the IT movie, except those who read the novel published in 1986 and many people are still confused about pennywise's origin.

So, in this blog, I'll write everything about The Pennywise Clown.


So the first thing is that the real form of this creature is not that of a clown. It is an ancient demonic creature who has come to our world from the dark dimension. For those who don't know anything about the dark dimension, I give a short description. Other realms outside of our universe surround our world, which we call the Macroverse, and 'IT' came from one of those realms. Its original form is like a ghostly orange light. Which is described as The Deadlights. It's also been seen in movies a couple of times. This light can make anyone blind or temporarily paralyzed and crazy. This is the reason Pennywise's eye is also orange color.

Now come to Macroverse, there are also different types of creatures. Among those, there is a giant turtle that is well-known because it is the enemy of 'IT'. This turtle's name is Maturin. It always stays inside its shell and rarely came out. But in 1958 Maturin take part against 'IT' and defeat 'IT'. Now the question that arises is that If 'IT' is a creature from another dimension then how did 'IT' come to our world?

How did 'IT' come to our World?

Originally 'IT' came to our world in Prehistoric times like a meteor. Due to this, there was a huge impact on the place of its fall. This place later became the 'Derry' town. The town the story is based on. Whenever it wakes up, some violent incidents on a big scale definitely happen and the same thing happens before it goes to sleep.

Powers of 'IT'

That is why many untoward incidents have happened in the history of Derry town. 'IT' sleeps for 27 years and then eats people for 1 or 2 years and then again goes to sleep for 27 years. Because of being a creature from the dark dimension 'IT' has some powers. His power of transformation is unique.
It assumes the form of what its victim is most afraid of. Because 'IT' loves to eat people who are afraid and this process is called 'Salting the Meat'. It is believed that pennywise is 'IT's' favorite form.  This way he first attracts the children then scares them and then eats them. Our fear feeds him because it's the fear that makes him alive more than the flesh. That is why he mostly targeted children because they are more fearful than adults. While Stephen King wrote The 'IT' book, a real-life serial killer named John W. Gacy was captured by police. Coincidentally he worked as a Joker in a circus. Because of this news people really started to believe that 'IT' was real but 'IT' was a fictional character and it has nothing to do with reality. 'IT' can create optical illusions for humans and 'IT' can also play and control anyone's mind and brain. Just like he provoked henry to kill his dad and mike. If we look at it from a broader point of view, people believed that 'IT' also controlled most of the adults in Derry town. Because no one showed any kind of protest or raised questions regarding the increasing number of missing children.

How to Kill 'IT'?

 Now if 'IT' has such powers then how can he be killed? Because 'IT' is in Earth for thousands of years we can believe that 'IT' is immortal and also 'IT' doesn't have any real shape. But whenever 'IT' takes the form of something or someone, 'IT' takes the whole properties (strengths and weaknesses)  of that form. For when 'IT' takes the form of Werewolf, Beverly shot 'IT' with a silver bullet because of which 'IT' got injured. Because werewolves are vulnerable to silver. The loser gang member finally managed to kill 'IT' by performing a ritual and fighting their fear.

The Message

Throughout these two movies, Stephen King tries to portray a social message to everyone. That is "Face and kill your fear before it'll kill you".


So, that's it for now. If you haven't read my other blogs yet then check them out by clicking here. If you have any other interesting topic and want me to cover, then please mention it in the comment section. See you soon with a new blog till then bye.


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