The Demonic Nun

The Demonic Nun


Before starting today's blog I humbly request because most of the references in today's blog are linked with The Conjuring 2 movie. So, if you haven't seen that movie yet, please watch it. Now let's hop into today's topic.

In The Conjuring 2 movie, first time we saw the demonic nun, Valak. And it was really hard to accept at first and many questions popped into our minds like who was she? why was she dressed like a nun? what were her connections with Warrens? e.t.c.

So, in this blog, I'll write everything about Valak and her connection with this movie and her connection with the warrens.

The Origin

According to mythology, Valak is the president of demons who lived in Hell. His name is also mentioned in The Lesser Key of Solomon. He possessed 30 teams of demons. His real form is like a kid looked like an angel. He has two wings and rides a Two-headed dragon. He has the power to find treasures. That's why many people believed if someone successfully summoned him, valak helped the person to find out treasures. But valak only helps when the person who summoned him is also very powerful and worthy if someone is summoned for fun or a person is weak, then he ruined the life of the person who summoned him. Many people believed these mythological theories and many people don't believe this at all.

The Concept

Ed and Lorraine Warren is one of the most famous paranormal investigators in this world. Many true-life horror-inspired movies were made based on their experience. Like As the Amityville Horror, The Conjuring, The Conjuring 2 e.t.c.
But as I mentioned in my Annabelle blog, "A lot of things are shown wrong or changed in the movies to exaggerate the plot". Likewise, Valak has no connection with this movie, and to put this character in the movie is purely fictional.

The Story

In the mid-time of the movie we realized, The Enfield Poltergeist aka The spirit of Bill Wilkins is not the wicked one. He disturbed the Hodgson family because of the provocation of Valak. When Warrens investigate this case they thought it was bill's spirit doing everything but it was Valak, pulling the strings from behind. Valak also tried to scare Lorraine in the basement by hallucinating that Ed is going to die.

Later we find out Valak had no problem with the Hodgsons rather she had problems with Warrens. Because they researched paranormal cases and try to capture demonic powers. That's why Valak scared them at first and then she attacked them later. In this movie, we saw another form of Valak who looked like a crooked man. In which she tried to kill Ed once. In the climax, where Janet tried to commit suicide by jumping out of a window and Ed somehow saved her meanwhile Lorraine confronted Valak and sends her back to Hell. Let me remind you again that valak has no connection with this real-life case. And everything about Valak is fictional. Now the question arises why put the Valak character in the movie?

The Reason

The Director of this movie stated that the plot of this movie wasn't strong enough and he had to do something to make the plot more interesting. That's why he consulted with Lorraine to include the character for making the plot stronger and having some twists. And to be honest his idea worked.

The audience loved this movie as well as the Valak character. The picturization of this character was top-notch. The feedback was great that in 2018, Director James Wan made a movie based on the story of Valak named The Nun. Needless to say that this story also is fictional and very hit at that time. This movie also got both good critic reviews and public reviews.

The Connection

When the script was completed, director James Wan didn't understand how he presents this character in front of the Audience. So, he took the suggestions from Lorraine, at that time she mentioned a long time ago, she had a vision in real life where a hoodie-worn person warned her to stop involving with demonic powers. That person dressed almost like a nun and from there James decided to present Valak as a Nun.


So, that's it for now. If you haven't read my other blogs yet then check them out by clicking here. If you have any other interesting topic and want me to cover, then please mention it in the comment section. See you soon with a new blog till then bye.


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